Business decision have to be driven by data.
Analytics Dashboards.
Business decision have to be driven by data.

Omnia is also data- driven and thanks to its decision engine, query engine and its integration capabilities allows to build fast and intuitive Governance Dashboards for IT or Business so as to visualize from one single point (on Desktop or mobile devices) all the key information and accelerate the decisional processes. Omnia can be set up to provide a complete set of dashboards, besides all the unlimited functionalities of analysis of portfolios and investments, budget, costs control, selling data, benefits, assets, process monitoring of applications and e-commerce and all other entities managed by the Omnia Smart or custom Applications.

Omnia is also data- driven and thanks to its decision engine, query engine and its integration capabilities allows to build fast and intuitive Governance Dashboards for IT or Business so as to visualize from one single point (on Desktop or mobile devices) all the key information and accelerate the decisional processes.
Omnia can be set up to provide a complete set of dashboards, besides all the unlimited functionalities of analysis of portfolios and investments, budget, costs control, selling data, benefits, assets, process monitoring of applications and e-commerce and all other entities managed by the Omnia Smart or custom Applications.
Business decision have to be driven by data. The Internet of Things (IoT) adds to the plethora of data by enabling expanded data measurement and collection across the enterprise down to the plant floor, giving manufacturers and technology experts access to valuable information on suppliers, raw materials, machine performance and more. Omnia allows enterprise to have useful and easy access to all of these data to make strategic business decisions.

Business decision have to be driven by data.
The Internet of Things (IoT) adds to the plethora of data by enabling expanded data measurement and collection across the enterprise down to the plant floor, giving manufacturers and technology experts access to valuable information on suppliers, raw materials, machine performance and more.
Omnia allows enterprise to have useful and easy access to all of these data to make strategic business decisions.