The ability to integrate with “things” and other softwares can introduce
new business values and new ways to create customer value.
The ability to integrate with “things” and other softwares can introduce new business values and new ways to create customer value.
Omnia has a proprietary integration engine which enables you to integrate easily with other systems, already present in your enterprise, such as ERP, CRM, Supply Chain or other solutions.
Omnia also integrates processes with the Enterprise Architecture and infrastructure with a Service Oriented Vision and overcomes the traditional siloed approaches.
Omnia Platform is able to expose and consume any kind of APIs, enabling to include any kind of functionality and communicate with any system, in the enterprise or on the web (e.g.: social networks, notifications apps, etc.) or utilize any service readily available on the web. This cooperation can be even stricter thanks to Omnia’s support for WebHooks, which enables it to cooperate with other applications reacting to events raised inside them.

Omnia has a proprietary integration engine which enables you to integrate easily with other systems, already present in your enterprise, such as ERP, CRM, Supply Chain or other solutions.
Omnia also integrates processes with the Enterprise Architecture and infrastructure with a Service Oriented Vision and overcomes the traditional siloed approaches.
Omnia Platform is able to expose and consume any kind of APIs, enabling to include any kind of functionality and communicate with any system, in the enterprise or on the web (e.g.: social networks, notifications apps, etc.) or utilize any service readily available on the web. This cooperation can be even stricter thanks to Omnia’s support for WebHooks, which enables it to cooperate with other applications reacting to events raised inside them.

Omnia’s ability to integrate with “things” and other software can introduce new business values and new ways to create customer value.
Thanks to the high performance of Omnia’s integration engine, enterprise can preserve any IT software investment until there’s a clear outside and unbiased justification to replace it.
So, you can keep running your business and innovate while controlling risk.

Omnia’s ability to integrate with “things” and other software can introduce new business values and new ways to create customer value.
Thanks to the high performance of Omnia’s integration engine, enterprise can preserve any IT software investment until there’s a clear outside and unbiased justification to replace it.
So, you can keep running your business and innovate while controlling risk.