In these complex times, more and more adaptive skills are required of companies that must become increasingly digital, flexible and agile.

Today we talk about the “agile methodology” an approach to software development based on the continuous deployment of efficient software created in a rapid and iterative manner.

It is a type of approach to collaboration and workflow based on a set of values that can guide the way the company moves forward. The strength of agile software development methodologies is to release software changes in small portions improving customer satisfaction and application usability.

The Agile method (or Lightweight methodologies) was born in IT Industry in the mid-90s in opposition (and evolution) to the so-called Heavyweight method. Since its birth, agile development is the most widely used in software development and project management, changing according to the evolution of the various business.

In fact, due to the problems arising from continuous innovations, organizations have begun to adopt more and more digital transformation strategies to keep pace with an ever-changing industry. This has brought to the software world this new methodology making easier for companies and customers to work.

The concept of “agile methodology” incorporates an agile idea that can meet the needs of customers (i.e., software developers) over time.

This idea does not follow the classic, linear method, but is based on the ability to implement a project in phases, called “sprints”. Each sprint corresponds to a new feature, checking each time the customer’s satisfaction, showing him the work done up to that point. An iterative (and interactive) system that allows you to easily modify the project, decreasing production costs and avoiding unnecessary effort till a possible failure of the project.

Specifically, why should companies apply this methodology?

  • Versatility: today’s companies have an increasing need for flexibility in order to deal with daily changes and sector evolutions. The agile method answers all these questions in an immediate and simple way.
  • Customer-oriented: The agile methodology, while putting the company’s processes at the center, helps to create software that adapts perfectly to the wishes of the individual customer that can be modeled, customized and immediate. Moreover, the customer is even more satisfied by the transparency that this methodology offers, since it makes it possible for him to follow the project phases by intervening step by step and not finding the finished product in his hands.
  • Focus on objectives. To the functionalities of the software to be developed are assigned different degrees of priority that can change to give priority to the most important ones. Moreover, the development is divided into iterations with detailed timelines and small goals to be achieved, so as to work more efficiently and without wasting time.

In conclusion, the agile methodology is gaining momentum especially in this period due to the needs arising from the pandemic of Covid19 as greater speed, less chance of error and the need to streamline business processes. Omnia offers you the possibility with some of its smart Apps to apply the agile method in the best possible way.

Furthermore, Omnia’s application platform and low code BPM are a perfect tool to apply the agile method in the development of new business Apps.

Pietro Ripanti