Finally Omnia, the platform Gartner defined as cool, that allows high performances and productivity.
Why omnia will make your enterprise take advantage of the digital era opportunities?
That’s what Omnia can do for your business:
- It can be an applicative platform, all the new developments can be available immediately on pc or on the most common mobile devices, and with the most fitting and functional graphic interface for the user. It allows replacing or mobilizing, very quickly, and with low costs, the applicatives used in every department (sales, marketing, HR, store, IT, etc. ), with a saving in time and costs of 70%. Omnia offers the same funciotnalities in cloud and on premise, so, based on the occasion (geographical or business), it can be used also in an hybrid form, in order to be more efficient for your business goals.
- It can innovate pre-existing applications mobilizing, giving a web-based interface, with the possibility for easy queries for business, handling tasks, approvations and notifications. This is easily possible because Omnia can integrate itself, thanks to an integration engine, with other systems such as ERP, CRM, Supply Chain, NPD or Retail Solutions.
- It allows high value digitalization. Omnia creates new connections between people, things, digital tools, processes, technologies and systems in order to allow a continuous imrpovement of products and services. It can connect with RFID, geolocalization solutions, social networks, etc. to automate activities and furnish high value Analytics data for the business users.
With Omnia a set of Smart applications is also available, that is a complete set of applications compliant with the Best Practices of reference ( PPM, Service Catalog, Service Desk, etc.).
You can also create new Governance Dashboards (For IT or Business), and then visualize from one single point all the key information and accelerate the decisional processes. Omnia can be set up to furnish a complete set of dashboards, besides all the unlimited funcionalities of analysis of portfolios and investments, budget, costs control, selling datas, benefits, assets, process monitoring, apllications and e-commerce.
All the point analized above are not exaustive of the infinite possibilities of Omnia, but they show a complessive overview that explains how many funcionalities our platform can have. It’s preferable to start from a small project, in order to obtain quickly tangible results, knowing that in a long-term perspective new imporvements will be possible to delete bottleneck silos, reduce costs and achieve the best opportunities for the digitalization.
It answers to the present need of a rapid and flexible IT, needs that are amplified in the digital era.
Gartner defined Omnia cool for the following reasons:
- It can handle structured and unstructured processes, and for this reason it allows the enterprises to concentrate on practical sides: the process can be refined automatically, without losing time on the perfectionism of the process design. Moreover thanks to its innovative technology it ensures to automate rapidly and increasingly.
- It has different engines: decision engine, business rule engine, query engine, notification engine, etc. that can be, if necessary, used in a flexible way.
- It allows a proactive and olistic monitoring.